Poems by Salil Chaturvedi, K M Sherrif,
Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri
Translating the Inner World
in U R Ananthamurthy’s Bara
Souradeep Roy
Paula Sengupta
Translated by Aniruddhan Vasudevan
Surjit Akre
The well-known singer and performer helps us understand the history and form of the Soz-khwani; and its reincarnation as a mainstream ritual of mourning outside of its religious context.
To Karthika Nair
Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee translates ‘महाभारत के बाद’ by Uday Prakash
Kavitha Balakrishnan
Kumkum Sangari in conversation with Souradeep Roy
Prashant Bagad
Translated by Kaushika Draavid
Riyas Komu
The Politics of Literary Festivals