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Why is our century worse than any other?

Akhil Katyal translates Anna Akhmatova into Hindi

Anna Akhmatova

Why is our century worse than any other ?

Is it that in the stupor of fear and grief
It has plunged its fingers in the blackest ulcer,
Yet cannot bring relief?

Westward the sun is dropping,
And the roofs of towns are shining in its light.
Already death is chalking doors with crosses
And calling the ravens and the ravens are in flight.


हमारी सदी बाकी सदियों से बदतर क्यों है?


क्या इसलिए की डर और मातम से सुन्न

उसने अंदर तक खुरेदा है एक काले घाव को

और नहीं पायी है राहत?


मग़रिब की ओर सूरज गिर रहा है,

शहरों की छतें उसी की चमक में हैं,

अभी से ही मौत कुछ दरवाज़ों पर मुहर लगा रही है

कौवे बुला रही है और कौवे क्षितिज पर हैं



And it seemed to me that there were fires
Flying till dawn without number,
And I never found out things-those
Strange eyes of his-what colour ?

Everything trembling and singing and
Were you my enemy or my friend,
Winter was it or summer ?


एक अंश 


और मुझे लगा बस लपटें ही लपटें हैं

फैलती हुई सुबह तक, अनगिनत,

कभी पता ही नहीं चली चीज़ें — वो

अटपटी सी आखें उसकी — क्या रंग थीं?


सब कुछ थरथराता सा था, गाता सा था, और

तुम मेरे दोस्त थे की दुश्मन,

था वो सर्दी या गर्मी का मौसम?

Originally written by Anna Akhmatova in Russian, Akhil Katyal has translated D M Thomas’ English translations of the two poems into Hindi.

Akhil Katyal is a poet, translator and teacher based in New Delhi.