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Nilima Sheikh

Each night put Kashmir in your dreams

Going Away

nilima 1.png2009-10, Each night put Kashmir in your dreams series, scroll painted on both sides, 187×59 cm, casein tempera on canvas


Son et Lumière

nilima 22006-10, Each night put Kashmir in your dreams series, scroll painted on both sides, 305×183 cm, casein tempera on canvas

“Going Away” and “Son et Lumière” are two of the nine painted scrolls that make up the work “Each night put Kashmir in your dreams”. Each scroll is a tapestry of stories that constructs the many histories of Kashmir. Together, the scrolls weave the artist’s complex personal take on the history of Kashmir, with fragments of medieval, historical, religious, mythical and fictional accounts.


Detail from “Going Away”

nilima 3

Details from “Son et Lumière”

Nilima 4

nilima 5